What is Succes??

Success is the exchange of knowledge by an act of positive, leadership respected, both in business and in social life. Success means freedom. Freedom from anxiety, fear,  frustration and failure. Success means always feel honered always feel happy and satisfies with life, and menaged to do things better for people who become dependents.
Success is many things wonderful and positive, success means personal prosperity, have a house, can be vacation, buy new stuff, feel financially secure, able to give a chance toadvance to their children. There are many more definitions merged according to the experts, tghat all that success leads to financial freedom so no more worries to be falling into proverty.
Meanwhile, according to our personal success as a religious person is the achievement of balance between worldly life and the afterlife where we got the world’s goodness, and goodness in the hereafter and situated away from the punishment, then that is where is the success thet actually means.
Success means many things and probably of every person is different opinions. Although opinions differ but all of a goal to reach the point of view of their success to each.and to achieve the success many hurdles and obstacles that confront. Some say success came from a dream this is true because without a dream or a fantasy we’re not motivated. This is the usual natural person, there is also a saying that success is a process not the outcome in this case is usually difened to some people who are in the process of learning. Value (result) is not their primary purpose and process dominates. Success is a journey not a destination for this one in my opinion is successful in running a sequence of processes for success and the jouney or sequence which is a priority. Success was above the average hard to define as above average and pretty much the difference is only a few percent of one another. Successful is the utilization of the potential, talents, and abilities that we have and still a lot of definitions success is very exciting for us to learn. Whatever you think the meaning of success. What is clear is that your success and will set you must have achieved and the vakue and blessings to your family’s personal benefit may also be the state religion. Plan for your success because if not planned will be a boomerang for yourself. The biggest failure is when we fail to start.

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